Enhanced visual exploration of phylogeographic scenarios

EvoLaps is a user-friendly web application for visualizing spatio-temporal spread of pathogens, from annotated maximum clade credibility tree obtained through a BEAST continuous phylogeographic inference. Changes of localities (transitions), in a "Top-Down" reading of the tree (from the root to its leaves in a recursive way), are represented by paths with a cartographic background. The set of paths is a phylogeographic scenario.

A raw reading of these transitions produces complex scenarios, and EvoLaps helps to analyze them with: • improved display of paths using multiple graphical variables with optional time-dependent gradients (line thickness, curvature, color, opacity), • phylogeographic scenario and tree cross-highlight and selection process, • specific spatio-temporal scales and production of synthetic views based on a dynamic and iterative clustering of localities into spatial clusters, • phylogeographic scenario animation, based on tree brushing (manual or automatic), gradually over time or at time interval, over the full tree or a specific clade, • additional views of the phylogeographic scenario through inter-connected modules (migration distance curves, intensity maps, inter-clusters exchange maps or ancestral character states computed from third-party discrete variables).

Contact: francois.chevenet@ird.fr

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News EvoLaps poster GDR Phylodynamique, Lyon, 3-5 juillet 2023. Phylodynamique et Épidémiologie. Modèles et Applications

Warning 'Shift' load EvoLaps to refresh the cache of the navigator. Hold down the 'Shift' key while clicking the reload button, or 'command' key (or CTRL key) + R

Original paper Chevenet F, Fargette D, Guindon S, Bañuls AL. EvoLaps: a web interface to visualize continuous phylogeographic reconstructions. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021 Sep 27;22(1):463. doi: 10.1186/s12859-021-04386-z. PMID: 34579644; PMCID: PMC8474961. Chevenetet al., 2021


API Icons by Icon8 ⦙ D3 ⦙ Leaflet ⦙ Leaflet-Heat ⦙ jquery ⦙ jscolor ⦙ svg-export ⦙ kmeans ⦙ bezierjs-master

Funding This work has been supported by The PALADIN project, publicly funded through the French National Research Agency under the “Investissements d’avenir” program with the reference ANR-10-LABX-04-01 Labex CEMEB, and support from the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche through the grant GENOSPACE.

Thanks D. Hubert for system administration and A. Prudhon for English editing